Sunday, July 02, 2006

superman returns!!

hey, hows it going everyone?? whoa... superman was pretty alrite as a movie... but the best thing happened was that the whole church congregated together to watch the movie... tats the coolest thing of all...

well i dun think i should spoil the movie for those who didn't watch.. but well.. all i could give the movie out of 5 is just 3.... not best of bests, but still not too bad.. well, all i could remember during the 3.5 hr duration of the movie, was popcorns, and hell of a butt aching!!! hehe..

well, the best superman there ever is, is the big guy up in heaven.. so strong and mighty that he doesn't even needa do much to moves the seas and mountain..

time for me to go now...
catcha other time!!



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